Robert W. Loomis Consulting Engineer, 1992 to present
- Piping Analysis
Designed high temperature piping for Heat Recovery Steam Generators
Analyzed existing high temperature piping systems in accordance with B31.1 and B31.3
Designed new high temperature piping systems and designed upgrades to existing systems.
-Generator End Ring Analysis
- Water Wall Analysis
Reviewed analysis for a manufacturer and utilities on the influence of stress in corrosion fatigue of water walls
- Non-linear Analysis
Performed finite element creep analyses of piping and tubing components under accident and normal loading
Perform contact analyses using finite elements with MARC and STRAND7.
- Elastic Finite Element Analysis
Reviewed and performed numerous elastic finite element analyses on boilers and their components as well as fuel cells and heat exchangers.
- Reliability Analysis
Perform fatigue and fracture mechanics assessments using API 579, BS5500 and ASME codes,
Perform compliance checks with ASME Section I, as well as Section VIII div. 1 and 2.
Combustion Engineering (ABB-CE), 1974 to 1992
o Fracture Mechanics
Elastic fracture mechanics to predict fatigue lives in fossil and nuclear components
Wrote and used fortran computer programs to predict crack growth rates in headers
o Classical Mechanical Design
Corrected shaft failures by pointing out fatigue problems after an analysis
Checked structures for their natural frequencies
Structural design of a cylindrical air quality control system
o Classical Buckling Problems
Pointed out the reason for and solutions to buckling problems in coped w-shaped
sections and angle sections in a space frame
Derived an equation for buckling of buckstays in boilers, which lead to a patented
design (patent#4,499,860).
o Finite Element Analysis
Analyzed numerous models using plane strain, plane stress, generalized plane strain,
three-dimensional brick, plate and beam elements for various boiler components (water
walls, headers, piping, tubing, and pendants). These analyses were often non-linear to
include the effects of creep and plasticity. Transient thermal and mechanical loads were
normally analyzed but eigenvalue problems were also solved.
Found and fixed bugs in the general purpose finite element program "MARC".
Wrote part of a specialized finite element program (NOAXCYL) in fortran to analyze
non-axisymmetric loads on an axisymmetric structure. This program includes the non-
linear effects of creep and plasticity.
o Finite Difference Analysis
Wrote part of the CREPLACYL program to calculate stresses and evaluate damage for
thick walled components using finite difference techniques. Starting from equilibrium and
compatibility equations, this program includes the creep and plasticity effects on the
materials as well as evaluating stress-to-rupture life and counting strain cycles to evaluate
Educational Background of Robert W. Loomis:
B. S. in Civil Engineering, Worcester Polytechnic Institute, 1972
M. S. in Civil Engineering, University of Illinois, 1974
Technical Publications
Barsoum,R.S.,Loomis,R.W.,"Inelastic Finite Element Cyclic Analysis of a Nozzle-to-Cylinder Intersection", presented at the Joint Petroleum, Mechanical Engineering and Pressure Vessel Piping Conference, Mexico City, 1976.
Barsoum,R.S., Loomis,R.W., Stewart,B.D., "Analysis of Through Cracks in Cylindrical Shells by the Quarterpoint Elements", International Journal of Fracture, Vol 15, No. 3, 1979.
Loomis,R.S., Loomis,R.W., Loomis,R.W., Loomis,R.H., "Torsional Buckling Study of Hartford Coliseum", Journal of the Structural Division No. 15124, American Society of Civil Engineers, Jan. 1980.
Ellis,F.V., Loomis,R.W., Tordonato,S., :Life Extension: The C-E Approach to the Analysis of Thick Walled Components", presented at the Conference of Life Extension and Assessment of Fossil Plants, Washington D.C., 1986.
Fishburn,J.D., Loomis,R.W., Roberts,G.E.,"Approaches for the Determination of Remaining Life in High Energy Piping Systems", presented at American Power Conference, Chicago Illinois, 1988
Fishburn,J.D., Loomis,R.W., "Life Extension of Thick Walled Components", presented at 11th International Conference of the AMIME, Irapuato, Mexico, 1988.
- Piping Analysis
Designed high temperature piping for Heat Recovery Steam Generators
Analyzed existing high temperature piping systems in accordance with B31.1 and B31.3
Designed new high temperature piping systems and designed upgrades to existing systems.
-Generator End Ring Analysis
- Water Wall Analysis
Reviewed analysis for a manufacturer and utilities on the influence of stress in corrosion fatigue of water walls
- Non-linear Analysis
Performed finite element creep analyses of piping and tubing components under accident and normal loading
Perform contact analyses using finite elements with MARC and STRAND7.
- Elastic Finite Element Analysis
Reviewed and performed numerous elastic finite element analyses on boilers and their components as well as fuel cells and heat exchangers.
- Reliability Analysis
Perform fatigue and fracture mechanics assessments using API 579, BS5500 and ASME codes,
Perform compliance checks with ASME Section I, as well as Section VIII div. 1 and 2.
Combustion Engineering (ABB-CE), 1974 to 1992
o Fracture Mechanics
Elastic fracture mechanics to predict fatigue lives in fossil and nuclear components
Wrote and used fortran computer programs to predict crack growth rates in headers
o Classical Mechanical Design
Corrected shaft failures by pointing out fatigue problems after an analysis
Checked structures for their natural frequencies
Structural design of a cylindrical air quality control system
o Classical Buckling Problems
Pointed out the reason for and solutions to buckling problems in coped w-shaped
sections and angle sections in a space frame
Derived an equation for buckling of buckstays in boilers, which lead to a patented
design (patent#4,499,860).
o Finite Element Analysis
Analyzed numerous models using plane strain, plane stress, generalized plane strain,
three-dimensional brick, plate and beam elements for various boiler components (water
walls, headers, piping, tubing, and pendants). These analyses were often non-linear to
include the effects of creep and plasticity. Transient thermal and mechanical loads were
normally analyzed but eigenvalue problems were also solved.
Found and fixed bugs in the general purpose finite element program "MARC".
Wrote part of a specialized finite element program (NOAXCYL) in fortran to analyze
non-axisymmetric loads on an axisymmetric structure. This program includes the non-
linear effects of creep and plasticity.
o Finite Difference Analysis
Wrote part of the CREPLACYL program to calculate stresses and evaluate damage for
thick walled components using finite difference techniques. Starting from equilibrium and
compatibility equations, this program includes the creep and plasticity effects on the
materials as well as evaluating stress-to-rupture life and counting strain cycles to evaluate
Educational Background of Robert W. Loomis:
B. S. in Civil Engineering, Worcester Polytechnic Institute, 1972
M. S. in Civil Engineering, University of Illinois, 1974
Technical Publications
Barsoum,R.S.,Loomis,R.W.,"Inelastic Finite Element Cyclic Analysis of a Nozzle-to-Cylinder Intersection", presented at the Joint Petroleum, Mechanical Engineering and Pressure Vessel Piping Conference, Mexico City, 1976.
Barsoum,R.S., Loomis,R.W., Stewart,B.D., "Analysis of Through Cracks in Cylindrical Shells by the Quarterpoint Elements", International Journal of Fracture, Vol 15, No. 3, 1979.
Loomis,R.S., Loomis,R.W., Loomis,R.W., Loomis,R.H., "Torsional Buckling Study of Hartford Coliseum", Journal of the Structural Division No. 15124, American Society of Civil Engineers, Jan. 1980.
Ellis,F.V., Loomis,R.W., Tordonato,S., :Life Extension: The C-E Approach to the Analysis of Thick Walled Components", presented at the Conference of Life Extension and Assessment of Fossil Plants, Washington D.C., 1986.
Fishburn,J.D., Loomis,R.W., Roberts,G.E.,"Approaches for the Determination of Remaining Life in High Energy Piping Systems", presented at American Power Conference, Chicago Illinois, 1988
Fishburn,J.D., Loomis,R.W., "Life Extension of Thick Walled Components", presented at 11th International Conference of the AMIME, Irapuato, Mexico, 1988.